Individual Support
Consider Giving
Opera is the most expensive live art form. Even a sold out performance covers only a portion of what it costs to produce an opera. Ticket revenues generate about 37% of our entire budget. Government grants & programs add another 30% and so we count on your support to fund the remaining 33%.
Individuals, small and medium businesses and large corporations all play a vital role in helping us produce what you experience in the theatre.
Directors Circle
Gifts of $1000 or more entitle our individual donors to become members of Opera Hamiltons Directors Circle. This special group of patrons receive additional recognition and opportunities, beyond their tax receipts, which increase appropriate to the amount of donation.
Friends of Opera Hamilton
Individual donors are recognized for their tax deductible gifts at levels appropriate to the size of the gift. Starting at as little as $50 all donors are thanked in our programs and website and the benefits grow from there.
Directors Circle Benefits (pdf)
Friends Benefits (pdf)
For more information: 905-527-7627 x.221 or x.226
Directors Circle
Diamond Circle ($10,000+)
Dr. Wally Pieczonka
Mr. & Mrs. David & Cydney Speers
Ms Angelica Stavnitzky
Dr. & Mrs. Carl & Kate Turkstra
Mr. Gordon Zack
Maestros Circle ($6,000 – $9,999)
Mr. & Mrs. Albert & Nancy Alexanian
Mr. & Mrs. William & Marian Hart
Dr. & Mrs. Michael A. & Mary Romeo
Platinum Circle ($3,500 – $5,999)
Mr. & Mrs. Mario Fabris
Gold Circle ($2,100 – $3,499)
Mrs. Lida Alexanian
Dr. & Mrs. H. Douglas Barber
Mrs. Sharon Campbell
Mr. & Mrs. J. Peter Hunt
Mrs. Catherine Miller
Mr. Peter Phoa
Mrs. Jean Speers
Mr. & Mrs. Peter & Cindy Uffelmann
Silver Circle ($1,000 – $2,099)
Mr. & Mrs. Sam & Jessie Albanese
Mr. & Mrs. Chubb & Estelle Baxter
Mr.& Mrs. Thomas & Kari Beese
Mr. Stephen Bye
Mr. & Mrs. Robert & Violet Byl
Mr. Bob & Maggie Carr
Dr. & Mrs. William & Christa Chan
Mr. & Mrs. Cameron & Jean Crowe
Mr. Dennis Darby
Dr. John C. & Mrs. Beatrice Deadman
Ms. Rosario DeWit-Farro
Mr. & Mrs. John & Loretta Dimen
Mr. & Mrs. Peter & Katherine Ernst
Mr. Craig Fisher
Mr. Thomas Fleming & Mr.Jeff Ball
Mrs. Ines Freitag
Dr. Peter George & Rev. Allison Barrett
Mr. Michael Golych
Dr. & Mrs. David A. Goodings
Mr. Art Grierson
Mr. & Mrs. Larry & Tanis Hall
Ms Nancy Handrigan & Mr. Peter Oleskevich
Dr. Helen Howard-Lock & Dr. Mel Preston
Mr. & Mrs. Rodger & Grace Inglis
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Jarrett
Mr. Paul Jaggard & Ms Ruth Caswell
Mr. Jack Leon
Mr. & Mrs. Dickson & Alice Liu
Dr. Peter & Rev Ann Macdonald
Mr. & Mrs. John & Dawn Martens
Dr. Marilyn May & Dr. Paul Saunders
Dr. & Mrs. Les & Nadine McLean
Mr. & Mrs. Don & Pat McTaggart
Mr. Roger D. Moore
Dr. & Mrs. Brian P. OMalley
Dr. & Mrs. Ronald & Judith Paluch
Ms Mary M. Pollice
Ms Kathryn Rumbold & Mr. Maurice Voss
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald & Nancy Schramm
Ms Marnie & Ms Karen Schreiber
Mr. & Mrs. Steve & Janet Siverns
Mr. & Mrs. Louise & James Stokes
Mr. Robert Summers-Gill
Mr. & Mrs. Leslie & Julianna Szoke
Mr. & Mrs. Peter & Kathryn Tekker
Dr. J. Weitz & Dr. J. Masterson
Mr. & Mrs. Ron & Heather Weston
In memory of Dolores Mauro
In memory of the Honourable Lincoln M. Alexander – 2